We have done our best to make sure that the children visiting Angeland are safe. Angeland is designed with kids in mind but feel free to have fun with them.
All of the kid links have been checked for content, but they do change and we can't control that. We also have no control over their privacy statements.
None of the personally identifiable information collected is given to a third party. Only the first name, age and country are included with the children's postings to make it easier for them to identify with kids their own age. The parents email address is requested th notify them that their child has filled out a form and to request written approval. Until that approval is provided the child's posts will not be included on Angeland.
None of the information in the Angel Chat is saved. It is solely for the child's enjoyment.
IP addresses may be collected by the server for the purpose of determining the number of hits to the website. These are not linked to email addresses and we have no way of knowing who they are.
Angeland is starting a mail list to notify of updates. The email addresses collected for this are used only for the purpose for which they are collected. No other person will have access to them.
last updated June 28, 2002
by Cheryl Briggs
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