Instructional Objectives by Cheryl Briggs

Goal: During a role play setting the student will successfully apply and interview for a job.


Task Analysis

Instructional Objectives

Evaluation Items

1 Identify steps to apply for a job

During an instructional session the student will identify the steps for applying for a job.

Write steps to apply for a job in the proper order

1.1 Go to place of business

During a role play setting the student will go to a place of business.

Approach place of business

1.2 Ask for application

During a role play setting the student will ask for an application.

Ask for and receive application

1.3 Ask to take application home

During a role play setting the student will task to take an application home to complete.

walk away with application

1.4 Fill out application

During a role play setting the student will fill out a job application.

Completed job application

1.5 Return application

During a role play setting the student will return a job application to the place of business.

Give application to place of business

2 Fill out sample applications presented in various formats

The student will fill out sample applications presented in various formats

Completed applications

2.1 List ways to identify places to apply

During an instructional session the student will list ways to identify places to apply

write or verbally state ways to identify places to apply

2.2 Practice obtaining job applications

During role-play situations the student will ask for job applications.

Get job application.

2.3 Write name and address

Prerequisite skill

Prerequisite skill

2.4 Define vocabulary

When presented with a sample job application the student will list and define all unfamiliar vocabulary.

List of words and definitions

2.5 Use phone book to look up necessary information

Prerequisite skill

Prerequisite skill

2.6 Accumulate necessary information

When presented with a worksheet the student will accumulate the necessary information to complete it.

Completed worksheet

2.7 Fill out pocket resume

When presented with a pocket resume the student will complete it.

Appropriately completed pocket resume.

3 Go on practice interview

During a classroom simulation the student will practice interviewing.

Practice interview

3.1 Define vocabulary

When presented with a list of possible interview questions the student will list and define all unfamiliar vocabulary.

List of words and definitions

3.2 Explain meaning of questions

When presented with a list of possible interview questions the student will explain the meaning of the questions.

Appropriate verbal responses

3.3 Plan answers for possible interview questions

When presented with a list of possible interview questions the student will plan appropriate answers.

Appropriate verbal responses

3.4 Describe appropriate attire for an interview

When questioned the student will describe appropriate attire for and interview setting and dress appropriately for the interview simulation.

Appropriately attired for the interview simulation.

3.5 Tell interpreter where you would prefer them to sit or stand

During the interview simulation, prior to the actual interview, the student will tell the interpreter where they would prefer they stand or sit during the interview.

Tell the interpreter where to place him or herself.

3.6 Explain use of an interpreter to the employer

During the interview simulation the student will explain the use of an interpreter to the interviewer.

Explain the use of an interpreter

3.7 Demonstrate proper use of an interpreter in an interview setting

During the interview simulation the student will demonstrate proper use of an interpreter.

Proper use of an interpreter

3.8 List alternate means of communication

During classroom instruction the student will list alternate means of communication during an interview if no interpreter is available.

List of alternate means of communication.

3.9 Try alternate means of communication

During interview simulations, when no interpreter is available, the student will try alternate means of communication.

Interview simulations using alternate means of communication.

3.10 Choose best alternative means of communication for self

After interview simulations the student will choose an alternate means of communication that they feel most comfortable with.

Verbally state preferred alternate means of communication.

3.11 Demonstrate use of alternative communication

During interview simulations the student will demonstrate the use of an alternative means of communication.

Successful interview using alternative communication.


All objectives will be measured at 100% accuracy.

Cheryl Briggs


ID Project